Friday, October 15, 2010

Just Over 2 Months!

Hi All! Welcome to the Chile Blog! Should anyone be curious of our goings on, here is where we will post them!

The general plan is to go to school in Santiago from January 10th - February 10th to get certified to teach English. Then we will look for jobs in Santiago. Chile is a good place to teach English because the government encourages all the citizens to learn. There are a lot of private companies that offer classes on location for their employes. Private, corporate jobs are the best paying by far. But there are also English language schools and private tutoring options. We will probably work for 20 hours a week each. This is enough to cover living expenses, but hopefully I can find some dog sitting/walking and we can both find private tutoring to raise money to travel afterwards. We plan to teach for a season, which will be until July sometime. Then we will backpack around South America until our money runs out! I am sure wandering around with a massive backpack and camping/not showering every day, is going to be a huge adjustment for me!! Jesse has travelled in Central America for two months and also last year in Southeast Asia for two months. So he's used to it!

We have one-way tickets to Santiago, with a transfer in Bogata, for January 4th. I will be leaving for Kentucky on December 20th and returning to San Francisco on December 30th. So everything needs to be pretty much packed up, organized, and ready before I go home! There is a lot of sorting to do - I have acquired so much stuff throughout the years, and there is also stuff I just don't want to be paying to store. Between the two of us we have about 200 + books, and that will take up most of storage!

I am hoping to sell my car. I've spent so much getting the new tags, so hopefully I can sell it for a slight profit... not counting on it though! lol. It's got all kinds of scratches and scrapes.

I am most sad about leaving my amazing dog sitting clients. I sit for some adorable dogs for lovely people in lovely houses around the city. :( Hopefully they won't find anyone they like better while I'm gone!

I have been studying Spanish more this last week and hopefully will be somewhat operational by the time I get to Santiago! We'll see! Buen Suerte!

We still have to pay the remainder of our school fee, and find a place to stay for the first few months when we get to Santiago. We can do it online through an agency, so that's helpful!

Please come and visit us either in Santiago or come and backpack with us for a week or so in South America!

Hasta Luego!

Annie & Jesse

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  1. Annie and Jesse,

    It sounds like a wonderful adventure. We will following your progress on this blog. What a great idea. Plenty of photos please.

    Much love,


  2. thanks Dad! Many photos to come, as Jesse and I are both extremely snap happy and never leave home without cameras!

    click "Follow" in the right hand corner and you will get an email every time we post something!

  3. I love your blog. What currency do you use in Chile? I will look forward to your entire adventure. You never know I just might get a backpack and surprize you and Jesse..ox Mom

  4. Hi Mom! They use the Chilean Peso. Come and visit while we are in Santiago! We are hoping to get a two bedroom apartment if we can!
